Sunday 23 August 2015


Hey guys,  

So the past week I have been trying the new Younique mascara.

I was sceptical at first because I thought that it was a bit "gimmicky". I had seen photos of people's Before and afters and just thought... "surely it can't do that". 

I put my thoughts aside and tried it. I have short lashes anyway so wasn't expecting crazy length or anything .

I tried the mascara and I will admit it is a bit fiddly the first time you try it... BUT it did add length and volume so I instantly thought  "well that's a lot different than I thought". 
Some people seem to over do it and make their eyelashes clumpy and spider leg like- that isn't the mascara. .. its the way they are apply it.

A lovely Rep called Shona Approached me and asked me if I would like to try the new 3d version on the mascara, This is my first time being gifted a product so naturally it was very exciting for me. She could see i have a love for make up and knew I would really try the product and give it go. I will leave her details at the end.

This is what i received.

Straight away this felt like A luxury product, The way it came boxed and then the packaging of the mascara itself. This is the Plus so its a newer formula and packaging and offers twice the thickness and length. The new packaging has a clear panel so you can see how much product you have left.

As soon as it came in the post I ripped it open and tried it immediately.

I read the instructions and got straight to the application.

I dont have the best lashes. I used to wear Falsies everyday and pick the mascara off my lashes. So they are the longest or thickest they have been in a long time since using this mascara.
Can we take a moment to appreciate the thickness and length! 

I have sensitive eyes so i needed to test the mascara on a long walk or a day out to see if they made my eyes water- Most mascaras do this for me.

I went out and when I came back my eyes hadn't watered and they hadn't flaked which again mostly happens when I wear mascara.

This photo was taken when I got in. The eyelashes hadn't changed and i was really happy with how black they still were.

My fave mascara is the Maybelline - Lash sensational. So I decided to test it Against the Younique and see the difference.

 left- maybelline - right- Younique 3D plus

as you can see the lash sensational is good, But no match for the Younique. The length is good but is doesn't add the extra bit of length and the volume that the 3D fibre lash does. 

I have used this mascara for about two and a half weeks now and really like it.
It does take abut more time to apply as their is the Transplanting gel and then the Fibres to go on top and then you need to finish it off with another coat of the transplanting gel BUT it is worth it for the results.

-I would have a practice with this as it takes a technique to not make it clumpy.. (BY NO MEANS does this mean its not worth the extra two minutes it takes.)

-Comb your lashes.. I did this and it helped my lashes not to clump but I do this everyday because my lashes are prone to it.

Overall thoughts.

I love that my eyes don't water and it doesn't flake, I can see myself using this a lot. I love the fact it can be layered. Normally after two layers of any other mascara is starts to clump, Get bitty and lumpy and flakes! 
I think its worth the price because I've used it everyday and even tested it with multiple layers and its hardly gone down. When the tube is closed its closed... so no product dries up. I have gotten compliments on my lashes no matter how many coats/layers Im wearing so all round its a good product.

Also Younique are bringing out the products the first week of September- from what Shona has told me its new lipsticks, Pallets similar to urban decay and also Liquid foundations.

Where to find Shonas page

where to find me 

Until next time,

Leona xo

Tuesday 11 August 2015


Hey guys!

So this post is going to be about the Eye products I got from freedom makeup.

These are the single shadows - the collection I have are the "guilded "shadows. 

 As you can see they are very pigmented and sparkly.
I typically apply shadows like this with my finger or with a damp brush to make the most of the glitter finish. I purchased two of these and got 3 for free.

Next up is the 10 eyeshadow pro- smoulder pallet. ..

As you can see from the swatch the colour are again pigmented bit also their is a selection. Personally I don't use colours like this but you never know when you my need them. You can created a smokey eye with this pallet for sure.

Next is the pro brighten and rose mini pallet.

 I bought this as it reminded me of a mini urban decay naked 2 pallet. I don't know if thats what they were going for but I was drawn to the pinks and golds.
I really like this as you get a brow bone shade with it too as you can see in the light the are very glittery. 

All in all I am happy with the eyeshadows and have always been a fan of the makeup revolution ones knew these would be the same if not better. 

The eyeshadows are reasonably priced and are good so nothing really bad to say about them.

Next up will be the face products so if you want to see more make sure you follow me

You can find me...

Until next time, 

Leona xo

Sunday 9 August 2015


Hey guys.

So like you saw in my last post, I did a Freedom makeup haul.

I decided to split the products up over a few posts, lips,eyes & face

As then then the posts wouldn't be as long and confusing.

I got 7 lip products in total, 5 pink lipsticks which I bought in a collection. You get 5 for the price of 4 (£4) so lets begin with showing the swatches.

As you can see, A GORGEOUS colour selection.

Left- right 
101 Flushed,  105 tell your friends, 102 candy sweet, 102 pink lust 104 wildflower

As you can see they are very pigmented and very creamy. I would the wear time is about 2 hours because they are creamy but for £1 you cant complain.

The next post you see will be eyes so keep an eye.

follow this blog, and follow me on other social media

until next time

Leona xo


Hey guys,

So on Sunday we went to Little bredy and it was my first time and i loved it. Below I will post some information about the place and then i will share with you some photos we took.

Little Bredy
Little Bredy stands at the head of the Bride Valley where the River Bride tumbles down a waterfall from its springs and is well worth visiting for its gorgeous setting. The descent into it from the east is tremendous from either of the two roads with some of the best inland scenery to be seen in the country. The village is serene – cars are not allowed through part of the village creating a peaceful, old fashioned ambience, a sanctuary miles away from today’s fast paced society
 I feel in love with the place, It has all the thatched cottages and the cute little church. The houses all had honeysuckle and other climbing plants on them.

Then we got to the waterfall area... WOW
Here you can see Daddy and Casper loving the waterfall.

                                    The top of the waterfall

At the top is a large lake with ducks and lots of fish

      There is lots of plush green grass and plenty of giant trees to sit under. perfect for a picnic

and a lovely clear stream perfect for a paddle.

And of course a lot of beautiful backdrops for a selfie!

If you are ever between Bridport and dorchester then i recommend a trip to little bredy you can find it near hardys monument. just follow the signs.

Until next time,

Leona xo

Feel free to follow this blog!
 You can find me at the places listed below :) 


Hey guys!

So a few weeks ago I did a Freedom make up haul. For those who don't know who freedom are, They are a Sister company of Make up Revolution. They are both CRAZY affordable and really good quality.

When I put my order in there was a deal on- spend over £15 and get £15's worth of free products... I mean how can you say no? They had just launched but i knew the products would be amazing as i love Make up revolution .

Below I will show you what I got, Then I am going to split the products between a few posts :) 

This is the items i got, as you can see i got a variety of things.
the things i bought were ...
-The blush& highlight pallet
-the highlighter
-the mini eye shadow pallet
-the lipsticks
-a few of the single shadows (will show them and swatches in a separate post)
- the pro glow ( leopard print blush highlight) 
- the concealer

What I got for free...
-the pro melt lip-gloss
-Liquid eye-liner
-The large eye-shadow pallet
-some single shadows x3

I am going to show Lips,eyes and Face in separate posts so keep and eye! 
Follow this blog and follow me on other social media's to make sure you don't miss a post!

Until next time,

Leona xo

Friday 7 August 2015


Hey guys!

I was looking for a post to write and just googled blog post ideas -I don't know who originally wrote/thought of this idea so I'm not taking credit.

1. Are you named after anyone? 
No, but my starsign is Leo so that's why my name is Leona :)

2. When was the last time you cried? 

I'm quite an emotionally person so probably in the last week hahaha 

3. Do you have kids? 

Yes , Casper my little bundle of love 

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
ermmmm this is a tricky one. Probably because I do have a heart of gold, but I'm a sensitive soul and I know alot of people cant be bothered with it. I'm also loud and clumsy which annoys people but meh, that's me 

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 

I try to hahaha with my Dyspraxia I don't tend to aget sarcasm or appriciate it all the time im very sarcy with my partner but that's because he is very dry so he loves it.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump? 

No! I'm way to disorientated on the ground, let alone anywhere else haha 

7. What’s your favorite cereal?
I like cookie crisp and weetabix and a good old coco pop!

8. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 

If they are smiling or not. Don't ask me why it's just the first thing I see. 

9. What is your eye colour?

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings 100%

11. Favorite smells? 

My yankee candles obviously! Oh and coffee and warm crusty bread!

12. Summer or winter? Winter.

13. Computer or television? TV because I can use my phone for the Internet 😉

14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
Probably Manchester hahaha

15. Do you have any special talents? 

I can drop everything I touch.... oh wait...

No I do know abit of sign language and I have a good memory for facts and I remember really random things like conversations ect

16. Where were you born? Torquay/torbay Devon

17. What are your hobbies? 

Watching YouTube videos, makeup,  spending time with my mam and family. Reading/watching /learning about serial killers. Oh an interior design shows.

18. Do you have any pets? 

My mam has 3 cats

19. Favorite movie? 

Shutter island,  this is england and America history x... oh and 40 year old Virgin.

20. Do you have any siblings? 

Yes a sister who is 20 and a brother who is 8

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?


I tag my blogger friends 

Sarah C
Sarah F

Thursday 6 August 2015


Hey guys!  
How fast had this year gone?! Only seems like yesterday it was christmas.

August 2015

Leona loves :
Noel gallagher
Nandos and wagamamas
And cake... lots of it

Ben loves :
Sausage rolls
Energy drinks
Terry chocolate orange 

Casper loves:
Marvel comics
Getting into mum and dads bed
His grandma

This month is mine and my mams birthdays.
we also hope to visit peppa on the 18th at adventure wonderland and maybe pop a trip to Moors valley country park in :)
What are you doing this summer? Let me know in the comments below.

Places you can find me!
Facebook page : Leonasupernova
Instagram: Leonacharissa
Twitter: @leonasupernova

Until next time,

Leona ❤  

Monday 3 August 2015


Hey guys!
It's that time of the month again!

My monthly favourites!
          Montagne jeunesse face mask:

I bought this Peel off tea tree and witch hazel mask not thinking it would be up to much. ... OH MY GOD its amazing.  I have always wanted to try a peel off mask, but I always saw reviews on the more expensive ones and didn't really want to shell the money out if it didn't work for me. I saw this In Asda for £1 and just thought to myself - Try it if it doesn't work you've not love out on much.  It says to apply all over a cleansed face and leave for 25 -30 and then it should be ready to peel. I left it on for the time and oh my it was like cling film,  when I pulled it off my face was so so soft!. The smell is strong so wouldn't advise for people if they aren't into that, but it is a fun little mask for £1 and is really good.

Collection Lasting Colour lipstick : taffeta bloom

I LOVE this lipstick. It's matte and is very pigmented- in the swatch I only did one swipe.
It's also very longlasting. For the price I paid for this lipstick (under £5) I am very impressed with its quality!. I've been teaming it with my next favourite which is a lip liner. 

Essence: lip liner - honey berry 

I've never really been a lip liner girl, but recently I decided to give them ago. I picked this essence one up from Wilkinsons for around £1-2 and I was pleasantly suprise, the pigmentation is on point and the colour is really nice and quite dark but when paired with the collection lipstick it makes a really dark mauve/pinky purple.

Essence:silky touch blush- 80 autumn peach.

Sticking with the essence products, I have a few now and for the price point are really nice.  I picked this blush up at the same time as the lip liner and I think it was around £3. It is as described "silky" to touch and when buffed and blended looks very natural. There is a slight sheen which I love  (all about that glow) 

Loreal Paris -brow artist plumper- clear 

I saw this raved about all over youtube. I searched for ages to find it and when I did I wasn't disappointed. My eyebrows are sparce and small. This really does what it says on the tube, your brows feel and look more plump.

Last but not least....

My makeup storage.
This month I went to the range and saw this little drawers -the first thing I thought was... makeup storage! I had my eye on the perspex ones but for £10 a set I didn't want to pay it. The ones I picked up were from the office supply section and we're about £4 each... they do just the job and I got two got the price one of the perspex ones cost me. The lipstick holder is perspex but I got it from amazon for £2.

Until next time, 

Leona ❤ 

Saturday 1 August 2015


The blogger Interview.
How did you get into blogging?

I always wanted to write a blog and made a few in the past written one post and forgotten about it. I decided to give it one more go and now I'm here.

What advice would you give to a blogger just starting out?

-Watch tutorials and read about how to design your blog... what site is best for you and most importantly let it flow. . Don't force it.

How has your blog changed since you started writing ?

-It hasn't really no.

What would be your dream campaign?

-I don't know something  to do with beauty?

What advice would you give to PR's wanting to approach you for a campaign?

-Of course people would like to receive free things... but just because you are offered doesn't mean you need to do it. I wouldn't accept anything I wouldn't like really. A yes please or a thanks but no thanks would suffice

Do you have a plan for you blog?

-To write more. To get a handful of followers and to enjoy it.

What do you think about rankings ?

I check them an hour after  I post and maybe the next day but it's not a priority to see how many page views I've had- I find it more interesting to see where in the world are reading my posts 😃

Thanks for the tag Chrissie  (allabouttheburts)


Until next time,

Leona ❤